Work from Home Tips + Blogging Tricks

Hello and welcome to my humble website.

My name is Hank — Mr. Home Based.

I’m a fulltime blogger who works from home.

To read more about me, check out About Me.

I dedicate this blog to these three topics below.

Work from Home Tips

Home-based jobs and business ideas. Discover helpful tips, tricks, and tools that will help improve your productivity as a home-based worker/business owner.

I also know a thing or two about effective recipes (food!) that are easy to make and clean, nutritious, and filling.


Work from Home Stories

Interesting stories from home workers such as myself. These stories can be about my personal life or work. And I’ll also get other home workers to share their stories with you.


Blogging Tips

Find useful tips that will have you get started with blogging. For those of you who already have a blog, you will also find useful articles about blog topic ideas, tools review, social media tips, etc. My wife and I have been able to sustain our (frugal) home-based lifestyle through blogging. I’d love to share some of the things that we learned through this blog.


The misfits. The articles that don’t belong.


About Me

Hello! Welcome to Mr. Home Based — a hobby blog dedicated to your success as a home worker.

My name is Hank and I have been working from home since 2017.

I’m a full-time blogger. I have a number of blogs in my portfolio that I maintain with my wife.

I also have an e-commerce store that is in its infant stage.


This is my second attempt at working from home, and I’m happy to say that it appears to sustainable.

Notice I use the word sustainable. I’m still a long way from being successful, but as of now, the income is at a level that allows me and my wife (and my cat Chaser) to live comfortably.

My first attempt was a mobile app development business that I based out of my living room in my old apartment.

Ultimately the business failed to take off due to one reason and another — mostly due to my own naivety though.


I have mentioned many times throughout this website, this is a hobby blog for me. Making money is only secondary. My main goal is to share with my readers some useful work from home tips and the stories of home workers.

That’s all for now.




Mr. Home Based



If you have anything to contribute, feel free to write to me at hank (  at  )

Stay Connected

I haven’t created any social media account yet, so if you’d to follow this blog, consider saving it to your bookmark!